Girls in ICT Day 2022

Diversity, equity, and inclusion of women is urgently needed in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), which is why the main goal of Girls in ICT is to empower and inspire young women and girls [aged 12-24] to pursue education and careers in STEM.

Share your programmes, and experiences on this portal to inspire others to join the global, year-long movement!

Visuals and Toolkit are available on the ITU Website.

Africa Burkina Faso 08/05/2022 AFRICAN IT GIRL 2022
Africa Cameroon 12/05/2022 Digital Talk: Girls in ICT, Access and Safety
Africa Cameroon 29/04/2022 Girls In ICT Day 2022 - AfricanWITS
Africa Congo 30/04/2022 Virtual Girls In ICT Day 2022 - AfricanWITS
Africa Eswatini 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Eswatini
Africa Ghana 28/04/2022 “Access and Safety” - developing solutions and ideas for lowering barriers to access andimproving safety online for girls and young women.
Africa Ghana 28/04/2022 A webinar on International Girl In ICT Day Celebration by Practical Education Network.
Africa Ghana 26/04/2022 ATC Tower (Ghana) LTD Girls in ICT mentorship and work shadowing day
Africa Ghana 28/04/2022 Blogging My Style
Africa Ghana 28/04/2022 Spark the STEM/STEAM in Girls !!!!
Africa Ghana 28/04/2022 TECH-GIRL EMPOWERED
Africa Kenya 25/04/2022 1. Empowering African Girls for Active Involvement in the Digital Transformation. (Webinar)2. E-Mentoring session for African Girls . (Virtual event)
Africa Kenya 28/04/2022 Digital Future with Microbit for Girls Launch!
Africa Kenya 28/04/2022 Launch of the iamtheCODE Digital Platform
Africa Liberia 28/04/2022 Girls ICT career fair
Africa Liberia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day -Liberia 2022
Africa Liberia 28/04/2022 International Girls In ICT Day
Africa Mali 30/04/2022 Musodev Girls in ICT DAY 2022
Africa Mauritius 28/08/2022 Role Model in Cybersecurity
Africa Namibia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT DAy
Africa Nigeria 20/05/2022 BTech
Africa Nigeria 28/04/2022 Career Talks for Secondary Schools Girls in Bauchi Metropolis on ICT
Africa Nigeria 13/05/2022 Empowerment Campaign
Africa Nigeria 28/05/2022 Explore Science & International Girls in ICT Day 2022- Luqcom Informatics
Africa Nigeria 18/05/2022 Forum for African Women Educationalist, University of Nigeria, Nsukka cell, girls in ICT 2022 celebration
Africa Nigeria 12/05/2022 Girls in ICT 2022: Access and Safety
Africa Nigeria 11/05/2022 Literacy for Sustainable Living STEM CLUB International Day for Girls in ICT celebration 2022
Africa Nigeria 28/04/2022 Radio Talk/ Outreach
Africa Nigeria 25/04/2022 THE DIGITAL GIRL
Africa Senegal 30/04/2022 Celebrating Girls in ICT
Africa Senegal 28/04/2022 Partage d'expérience avec les Jeunes Filles du Lycée Ahmet Fall de Saint Louis sur les enjeux des TIC
Africa Sierra Leone 28/04/2022 ISOC-SIERRA LEONE 2022 Girls in ICT Career Workshop
Africa South Africa 13/05/2022 Girls in ICT South Africa
Africa South Africa 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Webinar: Removing Barriers for Inclusive STEM Education
Africa Tanzania 09/04/2022 A study visit at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
Africa Tanzania 28/04/2022 Digital Girls, Our World
Africa Tanzania 25/04/2022 ICT Access For Girls
Africa Uganda 14/05/2022 Learning to Develop software that suits our needs in school and after school
Africa Zambia 30/04/2022 Helping Girl Child remotely
Africa Zimbabwe 09/05/2022 empowermefirst Zimbabwe mini-graduation Bulawayo
Africa Zimbabwe 28/04/2022 Empowermefirst Zimbabwe mini-graduation Vic Falls
Africa Zimbabwe 30/04/2022 ShiftKey GirlsinICT
Arab States Egypt 28/04/2022 GICT 2022- Keep Her Safe
Arab States Egypt 12/05/2022 Girls in STEM week
Arab States Iraq 27/04/2022 2022 Girls Coding Contest, in Shatt Al Arab, Basra Governorate
Arab States Iraq 28/04/2022 Publish of the research: "Empowering girls through IT and Coding education in Iraq: an innovative learning pathway for secondary school girls in Shat Al Arab, Basra"
Arab States Mauritania 28/04/2022 Journée Internationale des jeunes filles dans les TICs «Protection et inclusion de nos filles dans le numérique»
Arab States Somalia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day 2022 Competition
Arab States Somalia 21/04/2022 Girls in ICT day 2022 Workshops and Trainings.
Arab States State of Palestine 28/04/2022 International Girls in ICT Day - Palestine 2022
Arab States Syria 17/05/2022 Towards effective specialized training that enhances job opportunities for girls in the field of communications.
Arab States Syria 17/05/2022 Towards effective specialized training that enhances job opportunities for girls in the field of communications.
Arab States United Arab Emirates 28/04/2022 GICT 2022- Importance of Coding for Girls
Asia & Pacific Bangladesh 22/04/2022 Luna Shamsuddhoha Girls in ICT Week 2022
Asia & Pacific Bangladesh 21/04/2022 Tech Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Asia & Pacific Cambodia 30/04/2022 Sisters of Code - Girls in ICT Day 2022
Asia & Pacific India 22/04/2022 Access and Safety
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 Best Practices on Access and Safety
Asia & Pacific India 07/05/2022 Bootcamp on Machine Learning Regression Concepts
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 Championing Cyber Security
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 Cyber Bright , Cyber Right - Security Fundamentals
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 DoITBetter Bootcamp 2022
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day @ Green Valley School
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 Oracle Academy Girls in ICT Day 2022 Japan & Asia Pacific
Asia & Pacific India 28/04/2022 STEM Letter Writing
Asia & Pacific Indonesia 28/04/2022 Digital Entrepreneurship 101 Trainings for Girls: Access and Safety to Digital Market
Asia & Pacific Indonesia 21/04/2022 Women in Digital Entrepreneurship (WiDE): #RecoverTogether with Digital Entrepreneurship
Asia & Pacific Korea (Rep. of) 11/05/2022 Children's Digital Career Experience Workshop
Asia & Pacific Malaysia 11/07/2022 2022 Building Digital Readiness
Asia & Pacific Malaysia 28/04/2022 Axiata Digital Leaders Programme for Girls
Asia & Pacific Malaysia 10/06/2022 Hari Terbuka Bersama OKU Wanita Terinspirasi @ CyberSAFE LIVE Gallery(Open Day with Inspired Disabled Female @ CyberSAFE LIVE Gallery)
Asia & Pacific Malaysia 11/06/2022 Hour of Code: #MyGirls Can 2022
Asia & Pacific Malaysia 11/07/2022 ISOC x GICT 2022
Asia & Pacific Malaysia 15/07/2022 Online Seminar – Wanita dan Remaja Dalam ICT: Akses dan Keselamatan Siber Menjamin Masa Depan Yang Cerah(Online Seminar - Young Women and Girls in ICT: Access and Cyber Safety Assure a Brighter Future)
Asia & Pacific Mongolia 30/04/2022 Why we need more girls in STEM?
Asia & Pacific Pakistan 28/04/2022 cyber security for girls
Asia & Pacific Pakistan 28/04/2022 Graphic Designing for Girls
Asia & Pacific Pakistan 28/04/2022 IoT for Girls Internet of Things for Girls
Asia & Pacific Pakistan 28/04/2022 Learn the Art of 3d Modeling for 3d printing for girls
Asia & Pacific Pakistan 27/04/2022 steam learning
Asia & Pacific Pakistan 28/04/2022 STEAM LEARNING to Celebrate International Girls in ICT day
Asia & Pacific Papua New Guinea 25/04/2022 #GirlsInICTechWeek22
Asia & Pacific Papua New Guinea 28/04/2022 PNG UOT Girls in ICT Panel Discussion
Asia & Pacific Philippines 26/04/2022 STEM OUT!: Explore Your Opportunities
Asia & Pacific Philippines 28/05/2022 Tech4Kids
Asia & Pacific Philippines 28/04/2022 Understanding the Youth Access and Safety in ICT, Taking Part in the Initiatives as a Society
Asia & Pacific Philippines 24/05/2022 Unleash the ICT in you!
Asia & Pacific Philippines 27/04/2022 YouthKonek
Asia & Pacific Philippines 27/04/2022 YouthKonek: Donation of Prepaid Wi-Fi Routers to young Girls
CIS countries Armenia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Armenia | Access and Safety | Hybrid conference
CIS countries Armenia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT International Day Online Celebration in Armenia
CIS countries Kyrgyzstan 28/04/2022 Central Asia Girls in ICT Day - Bishkek Un-Conference (Informal, No Tie/No High Heels, No Protocol)
Europe Albania 28/04/2022 E-mentoring "Pursuing a career in cyber security"
Europe Albania 26/04/2022 Girls in ICT Albania
Europe Belgium 28/04/2022 Meet inspiring women in tech
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day Sarajevo 2022
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina 28/04/2022 I can be whatever I want
Europe Bulgaria 28/04/2022 She in Plovdiv: The superwomen in ICT
Europe Croatia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day @ FERIT
Europe Croatia 05/05/2022 ICT Supergirls 2022
Europe Czech Rep. 28/04/2022 Mezinárodní den holek v IT
Europe France 25/05/2022 Citizen Code free Online Workshop
Europe France 11/05/2022 Citizen Code Training
Europe France 28/04/2022 Dialogue entre l’Administrateur de l'OIF, Geoffroi Montpetit, et la PDG de SAYNA, Matina Razafimahefa,
Europe France 10/05/2022 Webinaire : Pour un numérique inclusif et accessible aux jeunes filles dans l’espace francophone
Europe Italy 28/04/2022 012 for Young Women in ICT
Europe Italy 28/04/2022 Coding Girls for the International Girls in ICT Day
Europe Italy 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day 2022 Italy
Europe Italy 01/06/2022 Girls in STEM Award
Europe Italy 28/04/2022 Il Valore delle Donne in ICT
Europe Italy 28/04/2022 VirtualiTea Celebrating the International Girls in ICT Day
Europe Lithuania 28/04/2022 DIGITALGIRLS: rock IT on
Europe Portugal 28/04/2022 GirlStem@IST-Taguspark
Europe Serbia 29/04/2022 Girls in Cryptography
Europe Serbia 28/03/2022 GIRLS IN ICT DAY 2022 Association of Business Women in Serbia
Europe Slovak Republic 28/04/2022 Girl's Day 2022
Europe Spain 28/04/2022 Initiative to raise visibility of women at the State Secretariat for Telecommunications to serve as role model for girls in ICTs in Spain.
Europe Spain 29/04/2022 ROBOCAT - Bridging the digital divide
Europe Spain 10/05/2022 Taller 'Imaginem un Smart Insti' i xerrada a càrrec de Natàlia Pujades
Europe Sweden 26/04/2022 Virtual event | #EricssonChats #GirlsinICT Twitter Spaces Discussion April 26, 17:00 CET
Europe Switzerland 30/04/2022 2022 EBU celebration of International Girls in ICT Day
Europe Switzerland 29/04/2022 A Virtual Event Promoting Girls and Women in STEM – Building the Talent Pipeline through Work-Based Learning
Europe Switzerland 30/04/2022 Django Girls: Build your first website with the help of CERN coaches!
Europe Switzerland 02/04/2022 EPFL, Coding Club for Girls, "Close Protection"
Europe Switzerland 30/04/2022 EPFL, Coding Club for Girls, "PixelArt"
Europe Switzerland 30/04/2022 EPFL, Coding Club for Girls, "Snake-it"
Europe Türkiye 21/04/2022 Dijital Dünyada Verilerin yolculuğu/Journey of Data in Digital World
Europe Türkiye 02/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day Online Scratch&Tinkercad Training #1
Europe Türkiye 09/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day Online Scratch&Tinkercad Training #2
Europe Türkiye 16/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day Online Scratch&Tinkercad Training #3
Europe Türkiye 30/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day Online Scratch&Tinkercad Training #4
Europe Ukraine 28/04/2022 International Girls in ICT Day at Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
Europe United Kingdom 28/04/2022 2022 BBC celebration of International Girls in ICT Day
Europe United Kingdom 28/04/2022 EQUALS Her Digital Skills Commonwealth Workshop
Europe United Kingdom 28/04/2022 Nuvias Women in ICT Discussion Forum
The Americas Antigua and Barbuda 28/04/2022 inet Girls in ICT Forum
The Americas Argentina 28/04/2022 Día Internacional de las niñas en las TIC - Centro G+T y UNICEF
The Americas Argentina 28/04/2022 Gender-based Cybersecurity open conversation.
The Americas Argentina 25/04/2022 Seminario Virtual: "El enfoque de género en el desarrollo científico y tecnológico para un futuro sostenible"
The Americas Brazil 28/04/2022 1º Meetup Tech Girls - Vale do São Francisco
The Americas Brazil 28/04/2022 2o Seminário Brasileiro de Meninas e Mulheres em TIC - WINND
The Americas Canada 28/04/2022 CEED Concordia's IG Live with Seynabou Gueye Ndiaye
The Americas Chile 28/04/2022 INACAP SANTIAGO CENTRO - Emprendiendo en las TICs.
The Americas Colombia 22/03/2022 Digital campaign with video and audio contents of our beneficiaries of the programs En TIC Confío + and Chicas STEAM
The Americas Colombia 29/04/2022 Girls in ICT
The Americas Costa Rica 28/04/2022 Costa Rica: Women in STEM Networks with Access and Safety
The Americas Cuba 25/04/2022 Aprendo mas sobre los dispositivos moviles.
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Charla educativa a las niñas sobre APK
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Charla Educativa sobre APK
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Charla educativa sobre los Primeros pasos en APK
The Americas Cuba 25/04/2022 Competencia de dibujos en el paint
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Concurso de Pintura Digital 2022 "Soy una niña TIC"
The Americas Cuba 18/04/2022 Concurso Soy una niña Tic
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Concurso Soy una Niña TIC
The Americas Cuba 18/04/2022 Conferencia sobre la Robótica educativa en Cuba.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Conferencia: Una internet segura para las adolescentes, ¿Qué Hacer y cómo hacerlo?
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Conversatorio sobre la Robótica educativa en Cuba y la presencia de la mujer en esta actividad.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Conversatorio sobre la Robótica educativa en Cuba y la presencia de la mujer en esta actividad.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Conversatorio sobre la Robótica educativa para niñas y niños
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Dibujando en el "Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC"
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Dibujos en saludo al Evento de las Niñas en las TIC
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Empoderamiento de la mujer en el proceso de informatización de la sociedad
The Americas Cuba 25/04/2022 Encuentro “Empoderamiento de la mujer en el proceso de informatización de la sociedad” donde participarán instructoras destacadas y directivas.
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Encuentro “Empoderamiento de la mujer en el proceso de informatización de la sociedad”.
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Encuentro “Empoderamiento de la mujer en el proceso de informatización de la sociedad”.
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Encuentro entre jóvenes y trabajadoras de Joven Club Taguasco
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Girls and Automatics, Robotics and Computers.
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Girls and digital transformation.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Intercambio educativo con niñas de 6to grado de la primaria Camilo Cienfuegos
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Intercambio sobre las tendencias actuales de las Tic en la educación.
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Jornada por el Día Internacional de las Niñas en las Tic del 25 al 29 de abril de 2022, Joven Club Las Tunas, Cuba
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Joven Club Jatibonico celebra el día Internacional de las niñas en las TIC
The Americas Cuba 18/04/2022 Lanzamiento de la segunda edición del concurso “Soy una niña TIC”
The Americas Cuba 18/04/2022 Lanzamiento de la segunda edición del concurso “Soy una niña TIC”.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Las niñas en las TIC desde Camajuaní
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Las niñas y las Tics en el 2022
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Niñas y jóvenes habaneras por las TIC
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Panel with girls from 6th grade of primary school 3rd Congress on Computing and its applications
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Para un futuro en la tecnología Niñas en las TICs
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Participación activa de las niñas, jóvenes y mujeres en el proceso de Informatización de la sociedad cubana.
The Americas Cuba 26/04/2022 Proyecto de robótica educativa.
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Puertas abiertas a Empresas TIC en la Isla de la Juventud.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Robótica educativa en Cuba y la presencia de la mujer
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Scratch, programación sencilla y para niños y niñas !!!
The Americas Cuba 25/04/2022 Taller “Problemas sociales en la comunidad y soluciones tecnológicas”.
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Taller de Transformación Digital
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Taller sobre las TIC para el desarrollo del Conocimiento y aprendizaje de las niñas y adolescentes.
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Transmisión ev vivo en Facebook sobe el "Proyecto de robótica educativa"
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Video como hacer una robot desde cero. Palacio Computación Villa Clara
The Americas Cuba 27/04/2022 Video de niña TIC desde Manicaragua
The Americas Cuba 28/04/2022 Videos sobre las niñas en las TIC: Municipio Corralillo
The Americas Ecuador 28/04/2022 Chicas en TIC
The Americas Ecuador 28/04/2022 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2022
The Americas Ecuador 28/04/2022 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2022
The Americas Ecuador 28/04/2022 Foro Nacional de niñas y Mujeres en TIC "Acceso y Seguridad"
The Americas Guatemala 28/04/2022 #GirlsinICT #Guatemala 2022 #CampusTec
The Americas Guatemala 28/04/2022 ¡Ciencia y tecnología para todas!
The Americas Guatemala 28/04/2022 Creación colección NFTs, criptomonedas, maker, Steam #GTIC
The Americas Guatemala 28/04/2022 Niñas a las TIC, Mujeres al desarrollo
The Americas Guatemala 28/04/2022 Primeros pasos en programación
The Americas Haiti 28/04/2022 SANITE BELAIR’S BOOTCAMP
The Americas Honduras 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day - Sede Honduras
The Americas Jamaica 28/04/2022 Have you found your ROAR!? - Girls in ICT Day Virtual Event
The Americas Jamaica 28/04/2022 The Future is NOW! Do we have the talent to create it?
The Americas Mexico 28/04/2022 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC, México 2022
The Americas Mexico 28/03/2022 Evento Protocolario de la celebración del Día Internacional de las Niñas en las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC)
The Americas Mexico 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT México
The Americas Paraguay 28/04/2022 Dia Internacioanl de las Niñas en las TICs
The Americas Peru 27/04/2022 “Día Internacional de las niñas en las TIC: Acceso y Seguridad”
The Americas Peru 28/04/2022 Conferencia virtual: Mujeres TIC que lideran, inspiran y crean un cambio - INICTEL-UNI
The Americas Peru 28/04/2022 Conversatorio Virtual: Mujeres en Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología
The Americas Peru 28/04/2022 Niñas Talento Digital Perú 2022
The Americas Peru 25/04/2022 Taller Demostrativo Empoderándome con las TIC “Programación y Ciberseguridad” - INICTEL-UNI
The Americas Peru 28/04/2022 Taller Virtual: Seguridad y Privacidad de la Información usando Herramientas Digitales Gratuitas
The Americas Saint Lucia 28/04/2022 Girls in ICT Day: Keeping our Girls Safe in the Online Space!
The Americas Trinidad and Tobago 30/04/2022 Tech4Girls Masterclass in How to Build Your Online Personal Brand Workshop
The Americas United States 27/04/2022 Celebrating Girls in Tech: Creating Space for the Next Generation of Innovators
The Americas United States 27/04/2022 Insider's View: A glimpse into a female engineer’s world
The Americas United States 28/04/2022 Inspiring the Next Generation of Women Innovators in the Tech and Creative Industries
The Americas United States 27/04/2022 International Girls in ICT Day 2022 Event in New York
The Americas United States 26/04/2022 Mobile Phone Security: Must-follow’s to stay protected
The Americas United States 25/04/2022 NASA SCaN and Tech Elevator Girls in ICT - Create Your Own Website
The Americas United States 26/04/2022 NASA SCaN and TechGirlz Girls in ICT - Cybersecurity Basics: How To Manage Cyber Risks
The Americas United States 27/04/2022 NASA SCaN and TechGirlz Girls in ICT - Internet Safety: How To Stay Safe Online
The Americas United States 28/04/2022 NASA SCAN Girls in ICT Panel Discussion
The Americas United States 28/04/2022 STEM Letter Writing
The Americas United States 28/04/2022 STEM Letter Writing
The Americas United States 28/04/2022 You can code: What you can do and how to get started!
The Americas Uruguay 28/04/2022 ¿Ta que éramos Ingenieras? Edition 2022
The Americas Uruguay 28/04/2022 Día de las niñas en las TIC - Conferencia
The Americas Uruguay 28/04/2022 Lanzamiento video motivacional
The Americas Venezuela 28/04/2022 Charla y recorrido en instalaciones del CENDIT para celebrar el día internacional de las niñas en las TIC

240 Events