Committed to connecting the world

FAO-ITU E-agriculture Solutions Forum

​  29-31 August 2016, Thailand


 Share - Partner - Exhibit- Learn

E-agriculture Solutions Forum

29-31 August, 2016

Forum Objectives

  • Bring together proven e-agriculture solutions that will benefit agriculture stakeholders;
  • Share knowledge on successful e-agriculture solutions and identifying ways of scaling up implementations;
  • Establish a Community-of-Practice (CoP) among e-agriculture solution providers;
  • Experience sharing in implementing ICT solutions for agriculture

Who should attend?

  • E-agriculture solution providers;
  • Infrastructure and service providers from sectors critical for e-agriculture (telecom, IT, banking, insurance, governance etc.);
  • Representatives of government agencies from Agriculture and ICT sector;
  • International, regional, national organizations working in agriculture and rural development;
  • Experts involved in implementing e-agriculture strategies in Asia-Pacific countries;
  • Farmer and Fisher organizations, cooperatives;
  • Agriculture research institutes, academia.

E-agriculture in Action



Opening Ceremony: 29 August (Morning)


Opening Session

Mr.Ioane Koroivuki,
Regional Director,
ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Ms. Kundhavi Kadiresan,
Assistant Director General & Regional Representative,
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Ms. Borisuti Premprapan
Deputy Permanent Secretary, 
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Ms. Songporn Komolsuradej,
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of ICT, Thailand                   

Group Photo

Release of the FAO-ITU E-agriculture Strategy Guide
and opening of the exhibition

1000-1030: Coffee break sponsored by TRUE Corporation

Theme E-agriculture: Status and need for national strategies

Session 1:
The need for developing
 National E-agriculture Strategy

Presenter(s): Mr. Gerard Sylvester,
Knowledge and Information Management Officer,
 FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Mr. Ashish Narayan, Programme Coordinator,
ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

Session 2: National agriculture goals
and challenges– Country experience

Moderator: Mr. Sumiter S Broca,
Senior Policy Officer,
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Presenter(s): Representatives from
Ms. Pelden Wangmo, MoAF, Bhutan [Presentation]
Mr. W A G Sisira Kumara, Director, DoA, Sri Lanka
Ms. Sushma Chand, MoA, Fiji [Presentation]
Mr. Hinton Nixon - Vanuatu [Presentation]

Day 1: 29 August (Afternoon)

Theme: E-agriculture: Status and need for national strategies (cont'd)

Session 3: E-agriculture challenges,
opportunities & solutions – Global experiences

Moderator:Mr.Rohan Samarajiva, Founding Chair,

Mr. Pisuth Paiboonrat, Senior Expert
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
E-agriculture solutions: Experiences from Thailand 

Mr. Atip Asvanund, Executive Director and  Secretary General
of the Telecommunications Association of Thailand

Ms. Margaret Bernard, University of the West Indies 
St. Augustine, Trinidad
AgriNeTT - Strengthening the Enabling Environment
for Food Security in the Caribbean

Mr. Walter Mayers, CEO, PROGIS
Agro-Forest-Environment-ICT for entire countries –
cooperation between public, private, NGOs and
intergovernmental organizations needed [Presentation]

1500-1530: Coffee break sponsored by TRUE Corporation

Session 4: E-agriculture challenges,
& solutions –
Country experie

Moderator:Mr. Sharbendu Banerjee, Global Director
-Mobile,  CABI

Presenter(s):  Mr. Kosit Lohawatanakul,
Head of Overseas Marketing,
CP Merchandising Company Limited [Prsentation]

Mr. Satish Thampy, Managing Director (Thailand), OLAM

Mr. Tetsuya Uchino, Fujitsu Kyushu Systems Limited,
Japan [Presentation]
Fujitsu Group's Agricultural IoT Challenges

Mr. Wu Yin, Senior Expert,
China Communication Services International
Implementation of IoTs in Agriculture Industry in China

1700-1800: Exhibition & Networking

30 August (Morning)

Theme: E-agriculture in action: Technologies and solutions

Session 5: E-agriculture solutions for agricultural extension and advisory services

Moderator: Ms. Sophie Treinen, Knowledge and Information Management Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome

Mr.Srinivasu Pappula,  Tata Consulting Services (TCS)
PRIDE model by mKrishi – empowering farmers to live with dignity 

Mr. Noel Magor, Head, Impact Acceleration Unit, International Rice Research Institute (IRR)
IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank

Ms. Khai JonesAgriculture Segment Manager,
Intel's Internet of Things Group (IoTG). 

Ms. Asma Parvin
, Deputy Manager, Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) 
eKrishok: A Sustainable Business Model of eAgriculture

1030-1100: Coffee  and Exhibition

Session 6: E-agriculture solutions for agricultural insurance, banking, market access and financial inclusion

Moderator: Mr. Bandula Wickramaarachchi, Secretary, Ministry of Primary Industries, Sri Lanka

Mr. Nalin Rawal, Chief (Business Head) - Agri Business Solutions, Skymetweather.

Mr. Signis Aliks, Project Manager, MicroBanker Project
IT for financial services to farmers – PADEE Project in Cambodia

1230-1400: Lunch and Exhibition


30 August (Afternoon)

Theme: E-agriculture in action: Technologies and solutions (continued)

Session 7: E-agriculture services for pest & disease, early warning systems and disaster management

Moderator:Ms. Nevena Alexandrova-Stefanova, Agricultural innovation systems  and Knowledge sharing Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Mr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief, Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations ESCAP

Mr. Chan Fook Wing, CAB International

Mr.YB Srinivasa, Managing Director, Tene Agricultural Solutions
Electronic Solutions Against Agricultural Pests (eSAAP)

1500-1530: Coffee and Exhibition

Session 8: E-agriculture services for food safety and traceability


Mr. Worapat Sasibut, Project Manager, OpsSmart Technologies |OpsSmart Traceability Solutions

Mr. Bui Binh, Chief Executive Officer, TraceVerified
TraceVerified: Electronic Traceability System in Viet Nam

Ms. Emmanuelle Bourgois, Founder & CEO, FairAgora Asia and VerifiK8
VerifiK8 - A software platform to verify the seafood supply chain

Exhibition & Networking

31 August

E-agriculture in action: Innovations and Ecosystems

Session 9: Innovations and ecosystems required to sustain ICT solutions for agriculture

Moderator: Mr. Hani Eskandar, ICT Applications, ITU

Mr. Santosh Oswal, CEO & Founder Director, Ossian Agro Automation Pvt Ltd.,
Nano Ganesh – a revolutionary ICT tool for farm irrigation

Mr.Vinay Kumar, Chief Operating Officer, Digital Green
Digital Green: Leveraging social networks for agricultural extension

Mr. Theo Cosmora, Founder & CEO, Social Eco

1030-1100: Coffee  and Exhibition

Session 10: Sustainable e-agriculture solutions: the way forward

Moderator: Mr. Ashish Narayan, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Panelist:  Intel, CABI, IRRI, FAO, representatives from member countries, private sector.

Conclusion and Forum closing

1230-1400: Lunch and Exhibition

E-agriculture Solutions Exhibition

Bilateral Meetings and Networking 

Download Forum Program here